Ex-Ethics Chief Erupts Into Fury Over Trump Administration: ‘I Am Walt’s Untempered Rage’

Former head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics Walter Shaub, who tirelessly tracks and reports on ethics violations from outside Donald Trump’s administration, had a bit of a meltdown on Twitter Saturday and announced he had morphed into his own “untempered rage.”

He declared he had “never been angrier in my life” in one of a series of tweets about the Trump administration’s utter disdain for ethics and “American values” — and the president’s “hate-mongering” supporters. 

“I hate that, for the first time in our history, we have to wonder if the President will leave office peacefully if he loses or his term expires,” wrote Shaub, who worked in both the Obama and Trump administrations. ”I hate that his Saturday Night Attorney General is using the criminal apparatus of the state to investigate those who investigated him.”

Twitter followers tried to calm down Shaub.

Shaub vowed to fume Saturday night — and maybe Sunday, too. But he added that, on Monday, “we get back to fighting this attack on America.”