George Conway Mocks Trump For Saying ‘Something’s Gone Wrong’ With Biden
President Donald Trump told reporters Friday that “something’s gone wrong” with Democratic White House candidate Joe Biden after a recent gaffe by the former vice president.
George Conway, husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, was dumbfounded by the dig by a man with an astounding litany of jaw-dropping goof-ups.
Trump told reporters he has watched the Democratic debates and claimed that “Joe Biden can’t answer a simple question. Something’s gone wrong with him.” He also said that “Joe’s not playing with a full deck,” referring to Biden’s gaffe Thursday in a speech that “poor kids” are just as smart as “white kids,” when he meant to say “wealthy” kids.
But Trump’s snipe occurred just days after the president mistakenly referred to a mass shooting in “Toledo,” instead of Dayton, Ohio, — and a month after he talked about airports in the Revolutionary War.
There was also the time he made up the country of “Nambia,” called Apple CEO Tim Cook “Tim Apple,” and referred to 7/11 when he meant to say 9/11. There’s much more — and that’s not to mention the countless misspellings that routinely pepper the president’s tweets.
Conway’s comment that Trump “thinks that ‘1000/24ths’ signifies a fraction of less than one” refers to the president’s slam last month at Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, another Democratic presidential contender. He used the fraction to denigrate the percentage of Native American blood she has. The figure was later changed to 1/1024th.
Conway’s Twitter followers loved his takedown of Trump.
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