Geraldo Rivera: Donald Trump ‘Surrounded By Backstabbers, Vipers, Rats, Snitches’

Many believe that justice is closing in on President Donald Trump as the Ukraine scandal intensifies with more House subpoenas and the emergence of a second whistleblower.

But not Fox News personality Geraldo Rivera. On Monday, the Trump-defending correspondent cast the president as a victim in a den of treachery. 

“There’s never been a presidency where the incumbent has been surrounded ― I don’t say it playfully ― by backstabbers and vipers and rats and snitches,” Rivera told Martha MacCallum on Fox News’ “The Story.” (See the clip above.)

Rivera, who has called Trump a friend, repeated the Trump talking point that Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky said he didn’t feel pressured in a phone call with the president to investigate Joe Biden, as Trump repeatedly asked. The phone conversation, flagged by a whistleblower complaint, prompted the House to launch an impeachment inquiry.

“So, how do you have an impeachment inquiry when the star prosecution witness counters your narrative?” Rivera asked.

Rivera said the inquiry was “throwing subpoenas at everyone they can think of.”

Watch the interview above.