CNN Fact-Checker Couldn’t Keep Up With Donald Trump’s Rally Lies

CNN’s fact-checking reporter Daniel Dale on Wednesday night toiled to keep up with the number of lies and baseless claims made by President Donald Trump at his rally in Louisiana.
“He is saying false/misleading/bizarre things in rapid succession, faster than I can type,” Dale tweeted at one point.
Dale debunked Trump’s incorrect statements at the rally about the Ukraine scandal, the impeachment inquiry and chain migration via his Twitter feed.
Check out a selection of his other posts from Trump’s rally below:
Trump is holding a rally in Louisiana. Quotes and fact checks in this thread.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 7, 2019
“Crooked Hillary.” A Lock Her Up chant. Trump: “So is there any place that you would rather be than at a Trump rally on a beautiful, wonderful evening in Louisiana?”
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 7, 2019
Trump bashes the media. “The CNN light is gonna go off,” he says. CNN’s cameras at these rallies do not have any visible lights turned on, I am told, and we don’t turn off any streams when he bashes us.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 7, 2019
Trump is railing against the whistleblower, baselessly claiming the whistleblower “disappeared” as soon as he released the rough transcript. “A perfect phone call. A totally perfect phone call.” He says “anybody that can read…” He doesn’t finish the sentence.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 7, 2019
Trump says the whistleblower’s source probably does not exist, which makes no sense. He is saying false/misleading/bizarre things in rapid succession, faster than I can type.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 7, 2019
Trump is criticizing chain migration, hyperbolically/wrongly saying that it allows you to bring in “everybody you ever met in the history of the world” and “any person that ever met you.” He invokes the “maniac” who perpetrated the West Side Highway attack.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 7, 2019
Trump seemed to forget the point of this story — he usually falsely claims that the perpetrator of this attack brought in like 20 people through chain migration. This time he just omitted that part and ranted about the man.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 7, 2019
Trump is doing his usual fiction about how Adam Schiff only made his comments at committee because “he never thought that I was going to release the conversation,” but then Trump surprised him. Schiff spoke the day after Trump released the rough transcript.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 7, 2019
Trump just told a brief Sir story about Rep. Ralph Abraham. It is very rare for the Sir-er to be named.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 7, 2019
Trump is giving more time than usual to other people. He’s now brought up the Robertsons of Duck Dynasty fame.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 7, 2019
Trump says tariffs are producing “billions and billions of dollars from a country that never gave us 10 cents, China.”
This is false in two ways. 1) Americans are paying the tariffs. 2) Even if China were paying, the US has long taken in billions per year from tariffs on China.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 7, 2019
Trump repeats his usual line, which has already been proven false, about how he’ll always protect patients with pre-existing conditions. This time, there is an addendum: “And we will also protect patients with pre-existing PHYSICIANS.”
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 7, 2019