Ex-DOJ Official Lays Into Donald Trump And His ‘Snowflake Presidency’

Former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal on Tuesday explained to MSNBC’s Ari Melber why he believes President Donald Trump’s inability to handle criticism is “getting out of control.”
The Obama-era official also said the temporary barring of entry to the U.S. of an incoming Harvard student from Palestine ― reportedly due to his friends posting of “political points of view that oppose” America on social media ― was “the encapsulation of Donald Trump’s snowflake presidency.”
“I can’t imagine something more pernicious and destructive than the idea that we’re not going to let people into this country because we’re afraid of what their friends might say or think,” said Katyal. “Our entire country is built on the idea that we celebrate debate, we celebrate disagreement.”
“He’s afraid to have people who disagree or have friends who disagree, we don’t even know that this student disagreed, and it’s getting out-of-control,” he later added.
Check out the segment above.