The Shocking Jailhouse Lesson That Showed Me How to Bank $16 Per Subscriber Within 14 Days
From the office of Samuel Olekanma
9:47 AM
Jessup Maryland USA.
December 12, 2024.
I am a correction officer and I surround myself at work with felons and convicted Criminals and sometimes I engage in a conversation with them that leads to somewhere else. The story am about to tell you is one of those situation where I learnt something from where ordinarily I did not expect to learn something and I want to share it with you. I have tried as much as possible to tell my story exactly as I learned from my strange coach with off-couse removing any direct information that will reveal my source.
A Simple Business Model, Easy and Simple to Copy, Anyone Can Do It…Read On:
From the Desk of Samuel Olekanma, Author of Mbaise Association Nutrition
Dear Client,
One of the hardest things about your information business is that it takes so long to go from someone joining your list until he buys.
Sure, it’s cool when someone has been on your list for 3 years and finally buys. It gives you a reason to keep writing emails.
But . . . it makes it REALLY hard to re-invest, right?
And you don’t even know if a traffic source is good or not, do you?
I know how it is. I used to buy lots of traffic, funnel it all into a “general” campaign, and mail offers from time to time. And people would buy from just about every email. But it might be 30, 60, 90 days – even 6 months or 12 months before they bought.
And that is really frustrating. Because if it takes 3 months, 6 months, or more to find out if a traffic source is converting, you don’t really want to pour a lot of money into that source. And with buying lead times like that, conversions are inconsistent, so sometimes even after 6 months you don’t know if a source is converting.
And one of the ways I combated that problem was I created a new product every month for 3 years. That’s a lot of products! And a lot of work! Too much work!
And frankly, about a year ago, I got really frustrated with this model.
Because I was tired of working so hard to get these results.
Sure, I was making money.
Sure, people were buying.
But nothing was predictable.
So I decided to change things.
Here’s what I did:
I researched the buying patterns and timing of the people who bought the most from me.
(The reason I focused on people who bought the most is an application of the 80/20 rule – I only want to spend my time where it gets the most return)
And I discovered that 80% of long term buyers bought within the first 90 days.
And 45% of long term buyers bought within the first 30 days.
And 22% of long term buyers bought within the first 2 weeks.
So I began to make some changes in my marketing.
The first change: if someone is on my list for 90 days and doesn’t buy, they come off the list.
The second change: I began to test an entry campaign for the first 2 weeks to convert subscribers to buyers as fast as possible.
Here are my results:
Within 18 days of joining my list, the average subscriber now spends $16. What this means is that is 100 people join my list on a particular day, within 18 days on average, those subscribers will have collectively spent $1600 with me.
And all of this is with an automated 18 day campaign (it is 18 days, not 14, because of a roll-forward technique I use to tell the autoresponder which day to send a message, so if someone comes in on Friday, for example, he won’t get the first coaching offer until Tuesday, adding a few days to the formula).
It is a 100% automated 18 day campaign with an exact specific psychologically consistent and proven order of very specific email types and offer types that I have created that converts subscribers automatically.
So what about you?
What kind of difference would it make in your life if you could accurately predict the amount of money 100 or 1000 subscribers would generate for you?
What if you knew the EXACT combinations of emails, content and sales messages, the exact order and timing of those emails to get those kinds of results, how would it feel to have predictable income coming in?
Would that change things for you?
Would you be able to buy more traffic, knowing it would pay for itself in just a few days?
For most people, that would make all the difference in the world.
For example, imagine you could buy traffic at $2 per subscriber today.
And 18 days later you know that would be $16 per subscriber.
So if you invested $200 in traffic today, that would be $3200 in revenue 18 days later.
Could you re-invest $600 of that $3200 (like house money) to get $9600 18 days later?
Picture having complete financial freedom, freedom to travel, frankly to do whatever you want to do.
Look, I know it’s not easy to figure it all out on your own and get $10k a month coming in on your own.
But let me ask you this…how would it feel to know the exact steps I am using to turn my subscribers into dollars . . . fast?
And what if you could just copy what I am doing, step by step easy?
Would that make things really easy, like, yeah, I could really do this?
If so, keep reading…because that’s exactly what I am going to do for you….
But first, let me ask you this:
Are you trying to start trying to get your subscribers to buy from you?
Do you wish you knew the exact types of emails that must be sent and the exact order those emails need to go out?
Do you ever wish that you could see the exact psychology I use, and other top marketers use in their marketing campaigns to squeeze profits out of their lists fast, instead of just following some cookie cutter blueprint that doesn’t really work when you try it?
The reason I ask is this…
Many of my clients have shared with me how frustrating it is trying to figure out what offers, what emails, to send to their list, because when they buy training, it tells them what to do –
Maybe even how to do it – but when they go to do it – they just don’t get the same results.
It’s Not Easy Figuring Out What Emails to Write and What to Sell to Make Your List Profitable Fast
Is that what has been happening with you?
Anyhow – here’s the thing –
Most of the time, when a millionaire or guru goes to create a training program based on their business model –
They are generally working from memory on what they did, and tell you what they are currently doing.
The problem with that method of teaching (and I’ve done it myself in the past) is that what works for someone making 30 million a year isn’t the exact same thing that works for someone starting from scratch.
Here’s why – once you have a thriving business, you outsource your traffic (like I do), you outsource your customer service, and you streamline everything you do.
But when you are just starting out, you can’t outsource your traffic because you don’t know how to drive quality traffic anyhow, you can’t outsource customer service until you know what needs to be done, and so on.
You can’t manage your million dollar business from the beach…because you don’t have a million dollar business yet –
But There is An Answer:
How would it feel to get the exact details on the exact emails and the exact training offers that are converting in today’s market, fresh right now while it is working?
What if you could get not only an exact template for the exact types of emails to write, but also get a swipe file of the exact emails I personally use for the first 14 days, and an explanation of the psychology of exactly why I write what I do in each and every email?
What if you could also get the exact links to the exact sales pages I am currently using to convert NEW SUBSCRIBERS into buyers fast? And exact templated instructions for writing your own sales letter EXACTLY the way that I do to get those kinds of conversions?
If that excites you –
To see inside, to see the “guts” of a 100% operational and profitable email campaign and sequence that is working RIGHT NOW in April of 2012, not something that USED TO WORK 5 years ago like a lot of what the gurus are selling right now
To get the exact psychology – they WHY of WHY people buy when they are only on your list for a few days –
So that YOU can repeat it on your list – you can even copy my emails and offers if you want –
Or follow my easy template to write all your own-
This is going to excite you.
Here’s why –
Because I am going to do just that –
Over the course of the next 4 weeks, I am going to reveal – for the first time ever – and maybe the last time ever – the exact emails I use in my own high-converting 14 day entry campaign.
I will give you the emails I use.
I will give you access to the sales pages I use.
And the EXACT order they must be sent out to get these kinds of results (send them out in the WRONG order and you WON’T GET SALES)
I will teach you the psychology of getting subscribers to trust you FAST so they buy from you FAST.
And we’re not talking $7 products either.
The average training my 14 day subscriber buys from me is $1000.
That’s right – when someone joins my list and they buy within the first 14 – 18 days – they are buying a $1000 training program.
So – how would YOU like to do that for yourself?
Because let’s face it – the days of making a living selling $7 WSOs are over.
The days of making money by sending out millions of emails are – OVER
And I have a few more predictions about things that won’t be working one year from now – things that folks are doing big-time right now – and I’ll reveal them in this program so you won’t waste your time on them-
14 Day Profit Campaign Training
So what’s training like this worth?
Well, let’s talk about YOU for a moment.
What would it be worth to YOU to learn how to convert subscribers into $1000 buyers within the first 18 days that they join your list?
What if you could set the whole thing up in just 4 weeks, so that 4 weeks from now you could start pouring subscribers into your list, and getting $1000 clients within 18 days?
What if you could get 10 clients a month?
20 clients a month?
Or maybe you get really aggressive with re-investment and you get 40 clients a month.
What kind of money would that be for you?
And by the way, I can’t promise you’ll make 1 sale, 40 sales, 1000 sales, or none at all. Obviously most people fail online. I am one of the anomolies, someone who figured it out. Most people don’t. And I don’t know if you will make it or not.
And only you know if it is worth any investment at all to learn how those of us who do it – do it.
Introducing…My 4 Week Training Program: “14 Day Profit Campaign Training”
Here’s how it is going to work:
Each week for the next 4 weeks, I am going to hold a one-hour live training call just for you and the others that sign up for this program.
During that training, I am going to teach you all the psychology – the WHY and the HOW and EXACTLY how to copy what I am doing.
And each week, I am going to give you one part of my actual campaign for you to copy if you want.
The first week I will give you my EXACT 14 day email sequence.
The 2nd week I will give you my EXACT template I use to write my $1000 sales letter that converts to new subscribers
The 3rd week I will give you my EXACT sales pages I use to convert, that you can copy.
And the 4th week I will give you my exact traffic sources and how to pay to make it profitable.
Note: EVERYTHING I will be teaching you is working NOW.
Unlike a lot of things being taught online right now. That doesn’t work.
And the Good News Is…You Can Do It Too!
Imagine for a second that you could build a 100% autopilot information business that consistently pumps out revenue to you, day in and day out, whether you are vacationing, sleeping, or just spending time with your family?
That’s what everyone wants, isn’t it?
What if you could start immediately,
And instead of having to wade through hours and hours of instructions, and books and manuals to figure it all –
You could see exactly how someone is doing it today, in April of 2012, step by step?
And what if you could duplicate his success immediately and start having revenue coming in the first month, just like does?
Well that’s what this special live 4 week training is going to do for you.
Because I’m going to teach you each step in the exact order I do it myself.
So you can literally follow along and do the same steps I do each week – in the exact order I do them.
Would you like that, to be able to build your own 2 week entry campaign that converts like crazy?
Would you like to copy what I do exactly, so that you can duplicate this business in your own business?
Would you like to make $5000 a month, $10,000 a month, or even $25,000 a month?
Ok, first – let me explain the exact business model I am going to use to build my new business –
This will be the exact business model you can use to build your business, if you want –
The Shocking Jailhouse Lesson That Showed Me How to Bank $16 Per Subscriber Within 14 Days
You Can Copy My Business, Line By Line, Step By Step!
Imagine having a 100% automated autopilot business, where you are free to travel, and enjoy the finer things in life with your wife and your family.
Imagine having the financial freedom to live where you want, in the house of your dreams, and drive the car of your dreams.
Where would you travel?
Who would you take with you?
Picture that – traveling to your favorite place, maybe a sunny beach, maybe your favorite ski resort –
Imagine how complete financial freedom would feel to you.
And with this business…that is exactly what you can accomplish.
And the best part about watching me work like this is that you will be able to see someone do it yourself, instead of just trying to work from a manual that is telling you what to do.
This is not Going to Be “CHEAP” – But You Can Get In At a Fraction of What Others Have Paid
In the past, my clients have paid upwards of $12,000 for me to show them exactly what to do and how to do it.
And many gurus charge $1000 per hour or more to teach you their secrets.
In fact, if you were to work with me personally, it would set you back $1000 an hour, and I have had many clients purchase packages of multiple hours, ranging from $5000 all the way up to over $17,000 to work with me.
And let me ask you this….if all you did was create a $100k income after me showing you how I do it, it would be worth $5000 to you, right?
In fact, if all you did was create a business that makes you $50,000 per year, it would be worth a one time investment of $5,000, right?
But you won’t pay $12,000, $10,000, or even $5,000 to watch me build a complete information business which you can copy and repeat yourself quickly and easily.
In fact, you could be well on your way to creating the business and lifestyle of your dreams for a special test price of just ….. $497
Now at this point, you might be asking…ok, Sean, this is incredible…why only $497 and not $2000 or $5000 like many other folks are charging for this kind of access?
And here’s the thing…I originally thought about pricing this at $2000…and in fact, I might increase the price at any time –
However, I am running this special test price for one reason only….I genuinely want to see you succeed.
And I know that if I priced this at $2000 or $5000 right off the bat like I have done in the past, I would have a number of “takers”.
But the truth of the matter is, not everyone could afford to do it.
But I want to give back.
After my incredible level of success online…I want to give back to you, and give you a chance to get started for almost nothing.
And in fact, I want to take this to the next level…and say this:
In addition to 4 weeks of live training from me, you can also work with me personally 1 on 1 for 2 hours if you are one of the first 10 to sign up:
We can work on whatever you want to for up to 2 hours.
And if you want to break that into 4 30 minute sessions, so you can talk to me 4 times over several weeks, you can do that too.
And you can use that time anyway that you want.
I can help you write (actually, I can dictate, if you want) your first 14 emails. That’s right, I can literally write your email campaign for you.
Or I can dictate your sales letter to you. You’ll just have to type it into your computer and upload it to sell (and bold the headlines, etc.)
Or I can help you design your $1000 training.
What ever you want.
For 2 hours.
1 on 1 with me.
Plus, I’m going to GIVE you my 30 Day Coaching Business Training which I normally sell for $1000 here: 30 Day Coaching Business
The reason I am going to give this to you is to level the playing field. You see, in order to sell a $1000 package, you have to know how to deliver it. And instead of asking you to buy something else to learn – I am just going to give it to you.
Picture this:
6 months from now you have the financial freedom you desire
Who knows, maybe you have a full time online business that only takes a couple of hours a day to run…maybe you take your first 4 week vacation to your favorite vacation spot…or maybe you and your wife can start spending more time with your children because of your new found wealth –
And better yet, you can look back to today as the start of it all –
That would be really wonderful, wouldn’t it?
The thing is…it all comes down to choice.
You see, each result we have in our life is a result of some choice we have made in the past.
And your future is made up of the choices you make today.
And right now you have a choice before you – one that can change your life forever
Please don’t let it slip by.
Don’t let another 6 months go by, hoping things will change on their own.
Make the right choice today – and start building a real business, every day right along with me.
To your complete success,
Samuel Olekanma
Olekanma Samuel
P.S. I told you earlier that the $497 price was a special offer…and it is…in fact, if you close this page and come back later it may go up…to $1000 or more.
And if you’ve been following me for long…you know that.
Because you’ve seen me raise prices, close out offers, and otherwise lock people out.
And I might do that with this…at any time.
So…if you want to get in for $497…Simple contact me through my Facebook or email me here [email protected] or call me 301-357-9007. I have reserved the training to 50 people and it is first come first serve.
Don’t you hate it when you go to buy some training like this and you make your purchase and then you get a page that says something like this:
WAIT! Because you just bought this training, here’s another one that’s a great price and will complete your first training!
Don’t you just hate that?
I do too.
And truth be told, I thought about doing that for this…because frankly it’s a VERY profitable tactic (and I DO plan on doing it in my new business, and I’ll show you how I do it, step by step)
However….I genuinely want you to be able to succeed without buying ANYTHING ELSE…
So I have decided, instead of making this a $997 upsell…instead I am going to GIVE you a complete 18 hour step by step training program that will teach you every step of the process to build a complete information business just like mine!
This is 18 complete hours of specific training on:
How to drive massive traffic to your website
How to build a big list of subscribers who will BUY from you
How to create products that are really EASY to sell –
I’m going to teach you how to choose affiliate products in the main training
How to write an email campaign that really builds connection and sells (and much more on this in the main training)
How to create a backend coaching program to multiply your profits –
Now, this training program would normally sell for $997 – but it is YOURS FREE today when you sign up to get my “4 week live profitable campaign training program.”
However – I reserve the right to remove this FREE offer and put it up as an upsell at any time…so I suggest that if you want this training at all…and if you want to watch me build a new business from scratch…get signed up NOW before either the price goes up, the bonus becomes an upsell, or both….
Perhaps right now you are thinking…I wish Sean weren’t hard selling this.
I’m sorry.
I really am.
However, in my defense…frankly I want as many people as possible to take advantage of this immediately because I am planning to start building the new business tomorrow and I want everyone to be able to follow along.
And if I namby-pambied along and let people just get in whenever they want to…then they would be getting in late, and they wouldn’t be able to follow along.
And that wouldn’t be fair, would it?
I don’t think so either…hence the pressure.
So…if you don’t want to go along for the ride…watching and copying me, close this page at your own risk.
I can’t promise you can get in at this price, or with the $997 bonus the next time you come back.
So save yourself the trouble, contact me now if you are interested in getting this training from me plus the bonus, and if you change your mind for any reason, take me up on my 100% money-back guarantee…
I will no only refund you your money if you follow the exact steps with proof but I will also give you $100 for your troubles.
Again contact me if you are interested in having me show you The Shocking Jailhouse Lesson That Showed Me How to Bank $16 Per Subscriber Within 14 Days
So all the risk is mine…you could study all of my training for 3 months, 6 months, whatever, and still get your money back.
So the risk is all mine….so go ahead, get signed up now:
Samuel Olekanma
[email protected] 301-357-9007
The Shocking Jailhouse Lesson That Showed Me How to Bank $16 Per Subscriber Within 14 Days