Harry Reid Has A Stark Warning For Democrats About Trump’s 2020 Campaign

Former Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is warning Democrats not to underestimate President Donald Trump in next year’s election.
“I used to think that Donald Trump was not too smart,” Reid said on CNN over the weekend. “I certainly don’t believe that anymore.”
Reid, who retired in 2017, told David Axelrod on “The Axe Files” that he still doesn’t think Trump is “intellectually a powerhouse.” But he added:
He is basically a very, very smart man. No matter what the subject, any argument he involves himself in, it’s on his terms. You’re always arguing against him. He never, never is willing to debate an issue on terms that aren’t his.
Reid said that will make for a difficult campaign for the eventual Democratic nominee.
“Anyone that thinks Trump’s going to be beaten easily should have another think coming,” he said.
Reid then challenged Republicans in the Senate for refusing to stand up to Trump.
“You can’t do what [Trump] did and go unpunished,” Reid said.
Reid also said he was “tremendously disappointed” in GOP lawmakers.
“We have these Republicans that are afraid to speak out against things that he does that are absolutely wrong,” Reid said. “And they know they’re wrong.”
He even praised Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) for their criticism of Trump.
“Other than that, they don’t say anything,” he said.
Early Monday, Trump took to Twitter to agree with Reid’s comments about him:
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