Donald Trump Jr. Shows Off Trump-Branded Camo Gear, Complete With A Weird Stain

Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of President Donald Trump, is showing off the family’s latest collection of branded products. The new theme: autumn, camouflage… and collar stains.
The image shared by the Trump Organization showed Trump Jr. seated at an angle, decked out in a $36 olive green T-shirt with the family’s name emblazoned across the front in a camo design. The stain appeared just under his chin.
The “fall & camo collection” also included a $115 camo wallet, a $50 camo tumbler and several $36 baseball caps, all featuring the Trump name.
It’s not clear where the items were manufactured. Several said “Made In America” in the description, such as the $32 socks, but most ― including the $185 embroidered football and $165 camo belt ― did not list a country of origin.
Social media users were quick to notice the son’s shirt stain and crack more than a few jokes about the new merch:
You can draw a Purple Heart on the shirt with a sharpie
— Jason Narducy (@SplitSingleband) September 9, 2019
What idiot would buy camo branded with the name of a five time draft dodger?
— Leah McElrath 🏳️🌈 (@leahmcelrath) September 9, 2019
The Donald Trump BoneSpurs™️ Collection now in Alpha Bear Woodland Camouflage.
— Malcolm Nance (@MalcolmNance) September 9, 2019
This is the closest any trump will get to the Armed Forces
— Ned Pyle (@NerdPyle) September 9, 2019
I get it. It’s camo because when it came time for Trump to serve, no one could find him.
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) September 9, 2019
I think you need more camo for the drool under Jr’s chin. 🤤
— jenvallez (@sophieandlili) September 10, 2019
For that “the Russians offered me information on my dads opponent, but I’m too cool to call the FBI” look.
— Naveed Jamali (@NaveedAJamali) September 9, 2019
Nothing says “Has been in an actual war” like a Trump-brand knitted camo wallet.
— Dr. Pete Meyers (@dr_pete) September 9, 2019
Does the doctor’s note come on camo stationery, too?
— Matthew Roazen (@2Eagles3Heads) September 10, 2019